Science Pastor vBlog Posts

We cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. - Richard Lewontin

Science Pastor Video Podcasts

vBlog Post #008

Evolution tells us that life “evolved” from a single cell organism; to fish; to amphibians; to reptiles; to mammals; to apes; to us. What this is claiming is that life has evolved from something supposedly simple (a single cell is actually very complex), to organisms that are increasingly complex. So, based on this description, evolution involves an increase in information and complexity – arising from from mutations and natural selection – resulting in a totally different type of organism. However, what we see is that evolution is simply defined as “change” and the typical evidence is speciation – an organism changing, but in a limited way and still remaining as the same kind of organism it always has been.

In today's program we look at the history of Darwinian evolution. By the early 20th century Darwin's mechanism for evolution had been shown to be impossible and with the discovery of DNA was replaced by Neo-Darwinism. Beginning in the 1960's, with the development of better tools allowing increased capabilities of microbiology the revealed the depth of the complexity of life, it became evident that Neo-Darwinism was not able to provide a viable mechanism for evolution.

Today secular scientists know that life is so complex that it is impossible for sufficient mutations to have come about so as to result in the information we see in DNA and the complexity of life... even the simpliest forms of life. It is simply impossible.

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Romans Road

You will exist forever. The question is, where? Disobeying God is the road to death, and we have all disobeyed God:

For all have sinned [disobeyed God] and fall short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23

The consequence of sin is death. You will exist experiencing death forever.

For the wages of sin is death... - Romans 6:23a

But there is GOOD News! You can have life!

...but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 6:23b

God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

Instead of our experiencing death forever, Christ died in our place. Repent (turn away from disobeying God), believe this, trusting that Jesus truly did die in your place.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:1